
The Chair of Industrial Management proudly announces that our German-speaking research article “Welche Potenziale treiben die Implementierung von Industrie 4.0? - Ein empirischer Vergleich führender deutscher Industriezweige“ has been published in the current issue of the renowned professional journ...

Category: Research

The Chair of Industrial Management is looking forward to a great summer term 2018! Again, we  prepared an exciting and inspiring program of lectures, seminars, and guest speeches. You may be curious! Prof. Voigt and his entire team wish all students a fantastic and successful start in the new sem...

Category: Teaching

Professor Voigt and the entire team at the Chair of Industrial Management cordially congratulate Julian Müller for the completion of his doctoral dissertation entitled "Sustainable industrial value creation - An analysis of Industry 4.0 with special regard to SMEs". In his dissertation, Julian Mülle...

Category: Research, Top-News