
Mit großer Betroffenheit haben wir die Nachricht erhalten, dass Prof. Dr. Werner Pfeiffer, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Industriebetriebslehre der FAU von 1971-1998, am 22. Mai 2019 im Alter von 85 Jahren verstorben ist. Alle ehemaligen und aktuellen Mitglieder des Lehrstuhls sprechen der Familie u...

Category: Personal

On May 21st, the Chair’s “Innovation Insights” series continued with another highlight: Professor Voigt and his team had the honor and pleasure to welcome Dr. Roland Busch – Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief Organization Officer (COO), and board member of the Siemens AG. Dr. Busch talked abou...

On May 15th, the Chair of Industrial Management had the pleasure to welcome Dr. Andreas Volek, Head of Strategic Innovation Management at Diehl, for a guest lecture on innovation practices at Diehl. Dr. Volek explained a systematic approach to translate megatrends and various industry trends into...

One of the Chair’s highlights in the summer term 2019 is the “Innovation Insights” series, in which guest speakers from different industries share their experiences in innovation management with our students. On May 8th, the long-awaited kick-off of this series finally took place. Dr. Timm Wagner...