
Once again, Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt, Dr. Christian Baccarella and Lukas Maier took up the invitation of the tradition-rich Universidad de Alcalá, nearby Madrid. During the last three weeks, they digitally gave the lecture “Technology and Innovation Management” to students of the international MBA p...

From April 6th to 16th, Professor Voigt and Lothar Czaja gave an online guest lecture for 16 UIBE-students of the 4 + 2 program. With technology and innovation management as well as production and supply chain management, the online lecture covered the essential basics of industrial management. A...

Category: Teaching

The summer semester is barely one week old and the Chair of Industrial Management already welcomed the Siemens CEO Dr. Roland Busch to the second edition of the seminar "Strategien technologieorientierter Industrieunternehmen" (Strategies of technology-oriented industrial companies). As part of the ...

Category: Industry Relations, Teaching

Despite the ongoing circumstances, we are pleased having been able to offer the Businessplanseminar from 12 to 16 April digitally for bachelor students again this year. Under the guidance of Prof. Voigt, Lukas Maier and Lars Friedrich, three highly motivated student teams developed excellent busines...

Category: Teaching

Dear students, Prof. Voigt and the Chair of Industrial Management warmly welcome you to the summer term 2021! In spite of the ongoing challenging situation caused by COVID-19, we are proud that we are continuously able to provide you with a full set of exciting virtual teaching offerings in the f...

Category: Teaching