Congratulations to our students of our seminar with Prof. Heinrich v. Pierer

Following our successful presentations last week on July 3rd, the Chair of Industrial Management welcomed this week once again Prof. Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer, former SIEMENS CEO and currently CEO at Pierer Consulting, and Dr. Ulrich Dörrie (researcher in residence of the Chair of Industrial Management), at FAU in Nürnberg.

After conducting an in-depth analysis of the electromobility strategies of Toyota, BYD, and BMW last week, our enthusiastic students offered compelling observations into the EV-Strategy of two prominent automotive suppliers from the metropolitan area: Schaeffler and Bosch. The findings indicate that each automotive manufacturer and supplier approaches the electric vehicle market in its unique way. While some OEMs already possess a strong focus on battery-electric vehicles, others remain open to fuel cell and hybrid variants. On the supplier side, it was interesting to evaluate and discuss the differences and similarities of how Bosch and Schaeffler address one of the biggest challenges of the supplier history. One key finding is certain: Both OEMs and suppliers need to deal with great technological uncertainty and have to find their unique way to deal with it.

Prof. Voigt and Michael Mertel extend their gratitude towards Prof. v. Pierer, Dr. Dörrie, and the participating student groups for their collaborative efforts and the fruitful discussion! We rounded off the seminar with a shared meal at a local restaurant, wishing our students continued success in their study. See you all soon!