
From October 9 to 13, the Chair of Industrial Management carried out the Businessplanseminar for master students. Under the guidance of Prof. Voigt, Daniel Kiel, and Martin Meinel, four highly motivated student teams developed their business plans for an innovative surf park, a service agency that o...

Kategorie: Teaching

In the summer term 2017, “BWL für Ingenieure” was evaluated to a top position among all lectures and seminars offered at the school of engineering in Erlangen. The students placed the lecture and the exercise at the 2nd and the 1st position. The course is mainly offered to undergraduate engineering ...

Kategorie: Teaching

Following a nice tradition, Prof. Voigt and the entire team of the Chair of Industrial Management visited the beautiful Franconia countryside at 28 September 2017. This year, we visited the vineyard Emmerich in Iphofen and got familiarized with the special characteristics of vineyard cultivation by ...

Kategorie: Teaching

The Chair of Industrial Management looks back at an intensive yet enjoyable summer term 2017. We sincerely thank our many guest lecturers for their inspiring and thrilling presentations and our students for their active participation in the courses. We look forward to the courses in the winter te...

Kategorie: Teaching

In their final presentations, four groups presented interesting insights regarding the integration of suppliers within Industry 4.0 to Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt and Prof. Dr. Asenkerschbaumer, CFO and Deputy Chairman of the board of management of Robert Bosch GmbH. The students were able to derive el...

Kategorie: Teaching