
The lectures in the present winter term 2020/2021 are ending this week while our WiSo Faculty Building is surrounded by glittering snow – a rare sight in the past years!   We wish all our students good luck and much success in the upcoming exams and hope to meet all again healthy and happ...

Kategorie: Teaching

Only two days after Dr. Roland Busch was officially appointed as CEO at the Siemens Annual General Meeting, he hosted the final lecture of our seminar "Strategies of Technology-Oriented Industrial Companies". This seminar, co-chaired by Prof. Kai-Ingo Voigt and Marc Rücker, was offered for the fi...

Kategorie: Industry Relations, Teaching

On February 4th 2021, the highlight of this year’s 5-Euro Business competition did not take place in the Marmorsaal of the Presseclub Nuremberg as usual, but via the digital platform Gather.town. A total of 14 teams presented their business ideas to an interested audience and a top-class jury by a s...

On 2nd February 2021, Prof. Dr. Asenkerschbaumer and Prof. Dr. Voigt virtually chaired the final presentations of our well-known and popular “Industrieseminar”. This semester’s seminar was about challenges in the automotive industry. Three student teams reflect on electric mobility and alternative d...

Kategorie: Industry Relations, Teaching