
Congratulations, Doctores! On July 19th, the graduation of seven doctoral students of the Chair of Industrial Management took place at the WiSo in Nuremberg. Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt and the entire team warmly congratulate Dr. Laura Hautmann, Dr. Lukas Maier, Dr. Oscar Pakos, Dr. Marc Rücker, Dr. Ma...

Category: Festivities, Research, Top-News

The Chair of Industrial Management has again reason to celebrate! On June 21st, our research associate Marie-Christin Schmidt successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Interconnection and Cooperation in the Era of Industry 4.0: The transformative Role of Digital Platforms and Ecosystems fo...

Category: Festivities, Research

Marc started his career as a research assistant at the Chair of Industrial Management in January 2018, exactly 1500 days later he submitted his doctoral thesis. During this time, he participated in numerous international conferences, published several highly ranked scientific papers and now successf...

Category: Festivities, Personal, Research

Christmas came early this year! We are very happy that our paper entitled “The Legitimization Effect of Crowdfunding Success: A Consumer Perspective” is now available online in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ETP). ETP is a leading scholarly journal in entrepreneurship and is consistently rank...

Category: Research