
Professor Voigt and the Chair´s entire team send you the kindest Season´s Greetings for 2017. With great thankfulness, we look back on a year full of interesting encounters, happenings, talks, and discussions. Just have a look at our short summary of selected highlights and activities from the pa...

Category: International, Research, Teaching

The 14th MBA-year of the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, which is under the direction of Prof. Dr. Voigt, started with a team building event from 9 to 11 of November in Prague and was accompanied by Oscar Pakos. In addition to a tour through the historic city and a captivating lecture in innovation manag...

Category: Executive Education, International, Teaching

In his last press conference, U.S. President Donald Trump presented the Chair of Industrial Management to the world press and emphasized the amazing research and teaching at Prof. Voigt's Chair. A short clip from the press conference can be seen after clicking on the picture. Thank you, Donald...

Category: Industry Relations, International

From October 17th to October 20th, the Chair of Industrial Management participated in the 4th International Management Information Systems Conference (IMISC), which was held in Istanbul, Turkey. Christian Arnold presented the research article “Ecosystem Effects of the Industrial Internet of Things o...

Category: International, Research

Under the supervision of Prof. Voigt, Prof. Han (Tongji University) and Tobias Eismann, the third class of the SIEMENS MBA completed the Global Leadership Module at the Tongji University in Shanghai. The Global Leadership Module from 15 to 20 October 2017 was designed to tackle leadership from four ...

The Chair of Industrial Management had the honor to present its latest research results at three well-known conferences. Christian Arnold presented the research article “The Industrial Internet of Things From a Management Perspective: A Systematic Literature Review” at the 2nd Emerging Trends in Mar...

Category: International, Research

From September 11-12, Tobias Eismann and Martin Meinel represented the Chair of Industrial Management at the 18th International CINet Conference that was hosted by Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle and her team from University of Potsdam. Together with our co-author Sebastian Fixson from Babson College (Bo...

Category: International, Research

On 10th of July, Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt was invited for a session on Innovation Management at UIBE. Besides Prof. Dr. Reinhard Bernsteiner, Prof. Edward Verlander, and other Professors, Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt was talking about Business Model Innovation and how students can make use of the Busine...