On June 28th 2021, the Chair of Industrial Management welcomed Prof. Dr. Heinrich von Pierer, former SIEMENS CEO and currently CEO at Pierer Consulting, and Dr. Ulrich Dörrie (former employee of the Chair of Industrial Management), at FAU in Nürnberg. It's already 32nd seminar with Prof. von Pierer....
On 16th June, as part of the Chair’s lecture “BWL für Ingenieure”, Dr. Daniel Teichmann, founder and CEO of Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH, shared very interesting insights on how to manage a high-tech start-up.
As a spin-off of the FAU, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies offers safe and efficie...
On June 9th, the Chair’s “Innovation Insights Series” continued with another highlight: Professor Voigt and his team had the honor and pleasure to welcome Dr. Lütke-Entrup – Head of Technology & Innovation Management at Siemens. He followed our invitation to give a digital guest lecture for our ...
On May 19, the Chair of Industrial Management was pleased to have Khaleeq Aziz, CEO and Founder of Symanto Research, give a digital guest lecture for our courses "Technology and Innovation Management", "Innovation" and "Industrial Management".
Khaleeq Aziz provided interesting insights into Syman...
Today, the Chair of Industrial Management had the honor to welcome the two platform managers of AERQ, Dr. Jürgen Rösch and Anja Kim Berndt, as guest speakers in our lectures "Innovation", "Technology and Innovation Management" and "Industrial Management".
AERQ, a joint venture between LG Electron...
The Chair of Industrial Management feels honoured that today, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Russwurm followed our invitation to give a digital guest lecture for our courses “Technology and Innovation Management“, “Innovation“ and “Industrielles Management”.
The President of the BDI (Bundesverband der ...
On April 21st, the Chair of Industrial Management had the pleasure to continue its "Innovation Insights Series 2021" together with Dr. Andreas Volek, Head of Strategic Innovation Management at Diehl.
In a digital lecture with more than 500 bachelor and master students, Dr. Volek explained a syste...
The summer semester is barely one week old and the Chair of Industrial Management already welcomed the Siemens CEO Dr. Roland Busch to the second edition of the seminar "Strategien technologieorientierter Industrieunternehmen" (Strategies of technology-oriented industrial companies). As part of the ...
The Chair of Industrial Management is committed to the idea that theory and practice must go hand in hand. Therefore, besides the regular lectures, Prof. Voigt and his team invited outstanding guest speakers from a variety of industries to talk about important innovation and technology topics - the ...
Prof. Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer, Honorary Professor at the Chair of Industrial Management and former CEO of Siemens, talks in two in-depth interviews about his longstanding management career and, in particular, his CEO experiences at Siemens AG. He gives deep insights into the tasks of a top manager an...