It’s hot! Prof. Voigt talks about the MBA Sustainability Management of FAU WiSo in SIEMENS Podcast

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Prof. Voigt is delighted to announce the publication of a new SIEMENS podcast “Der Nachhaltigkeits-Master” (in German) in the SIEMENS Podcast Series “Einblick.Zweiblick.Weitblick. Digital Enterprises Services im Gespräch”. Together with Maike Seifert, who is currently studying the MBA Program “Sustainability Management” at FAU WiSo, Prof. Voigt underlines the unbroken relevance of Sustainability Management and highlights the opportunity to combine a full rank MBA Study Program with timely sustainability topics.  You are warmly invited to listen to this interesting podcast here:

For more information about the MBA in Sustainability Management at FAU WiSo please look: