Festive Graduation of our MDBA Class #3

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Successes are meant to be celebrated! We are delighted to honor the 15 participants of the FAU Master of Digital Business Administration (MDBA) class III as they receive their well-deserved master degrees, marking the completion of their educational journey that started in autumn 2022. The formal ceremony, held at the renowned “Hirsvogelsaal” next to our WiSo in Nuremberg, celebrated the triumphant conclusion of 18 months of intensive academic work, including 9 inspiring Modules, a master’s thesis, and a digital field trip to Berlin.

Led by Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt and Prof. Dr. Andreas Fürst, our group of highly motivated professionals successfully completed their enriching learning journey and celebrated their success together with family and friends. We extend our warmest congratulations to all the participants for their commendable achievements in graduating from the MDBA program and confidently anticipate their future successes! A special thanks to Anna-Lisa Schaal and Alina Stauß from WFA for their professional organization of this lovely ceremony