Compelling first presentation session in our Seminar with Prof. Heinrich v. Pierer!

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Globally active corporations encounter an ever-growing pressure of shareholders. In recent years, the pressure to split up a conglomerate increased tremendously, resulting in former giants shrinking and concentrating on a core business. The strategic question behind it is: Should conglomerates accept the inherent discount in their valuation, or should they consider spinning off divisions to unlock value? What strategies are available to these organizations, and what measures can they take to optimize shareholder value? As part of our renowned “Praxisseminar” with Prof. Heinrich v. Pierer, former SIEMENS CEO and currently CEO at Pierer Consulting, our highly motivated students investigated five cases on this topic and present their results to the expert panel.

This week, we kicked off the first of two final presentation sessions. In this context, our students gave compelling presentations on the downfall of Toshiba, the strategic realignment of General Electric, and the smart accumulation of power of Blackrock.

Prof. Voigt and Michael Mertel extend their gratitude towards Prof. v. Pierer, Dr. Dörrie, and the participating student groups for their collaborative efforts and the fruitful discussion! We are already looking forward to our second presentation session in July!