Insights into Worldcoin: Guest lecture with Co-Founder Fabian Bodensteiner

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On June 12th, Prof. Kai-Ingo Voigt was pleased to welcome Fabian Bodensteiner, one of the Co-Founders (founding team) and CTO (Head of Operations & Manufacturing) of Worldcoin, for a fascinating guest lecture.

Worldcoin, the company Fabian Bodensteiner founded together with Alex Blania and Sam Altman, set out to build the world’s largest identity and financial network. In this context, Fabian Bodensteiner delved into the technicalities of identification and explained to the students how the team developed their Orb solution as well as how it connects to the digital identity network called World ID and the digital currency WLD. He also shared more insights about the founding story and future plans. The lecture was followed by a lively discussion, with students from various courses actively engaging with Fabian Bodensteiner and his colleagues Nadia Rassuli and Tobias Weidner to take a closer look at the Orb and ask for more Worldcoin details.

Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt would like to thank Fabian Bodensteiner for his openness to share more about Worldcoin with our students and looks forward to welcoming him at FAU again very soon!