We proudly present the Innovation Insights Series 2024!

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We are pleased to announce this year’s lineup of our “Innovation Insights Series”. Students enrolled in the “Innovation” (Bachelor) and “Technology and Innovation Management” (Master) courses will have a valuable opportunity to learn from distinguished guest speakers representing various functions and industries.

We are honored to host seven expert speakers this year, including Dr. Christine Anstätt (adidas), Fabian Bodensteiner (Tools for Humanity), Dr. Eva Budischin (Bosch), Bruno Götz (Bayern innovativ), Dr. Annika Hauptvogel (Siemens), Dr. Andreas Volek (Diehl), and Prof. Oliver Zipse (BMW). The guest lectures will take place on Wednesdays from 16:45-18:15 in lecture hall H5 @WiSo, so mark your calenders!

Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt and the entire team extend their sincere gratitude to our speakers for sharing their expertise and insights with us. We are very much looking forward to these enlightening guest lectures!