Highlights from the R&D Management Conference on Responsible and Responsive Innovation

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At this year’s R&D Management conference, held at Pablo Olavide University in Seville from 19th to 21st June, Lauren Mackintosh and Hannah Altenburg presented two research papers on behalf of the Chair of Industrial Management. Under the theme of “Responsible and Responsive Innovation for a Better Future”, the conference provided a platform to explore and discuss management solutions to grand challenges. Lauren Mackintosh presented the paper “Profiting from Non-Profits? Consumers Reactions to Products Developed in Collaboration with Non-Profit Organizations” co-authored by Lukas Maier and Kai-Ingo Voigt. A research, in which we investigate how collaboration with NPOs influences consumer preferences for sustainable products. The second paper, presented by Hannah Altenburg, focuses on how tech startups use AI to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals by qualitatively exploring the mechanisms of value creation towards the SGDs and the motivational themes behind.

We are immensely grateful for the engaging discussions, valuable input, and motivating talks we had with the conference attendees and participants. Special thanks to the conference organizers and Pablo Olavide University for hosting such a remarkable event!