Chair of Industrial Management with highest teaching output at WiSo

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Professor Voigt and his team are pleased to announce that the Chair of Industrial Management once again provided the highest teaching output to WiSo students of FAU in the last semesters. According to the most recent faculty statistics for the winter term 2020/2021 and summer term 2021, the teaching and examination output at our Chair in Credit Points issued was beyond 19.021 Credit Points in total, which is way above the faculty’s average per Chair.


These numbers indicate that our continuous efforts for excellent teaching are appreciated by our students! This encourages us to improve our academic program even further. Professor Voigt is happy and proud that so many students share our passion to work on exciting, up-to-date topics in Industrial Management and he thanks all Chair Members and Guest Lecturers for their valuable contributions.

We are looking forward to welcome you to our lectures and seminars in the winter term 2022/23!