Good vibes in Nuremberg – FAU-Siemens EMBA Class #8 meets for the Module “Risk Management and Corporate Governance”
Good vibes, team spirit, and curiosity! Class # 8 of our EMBA program met at our WiSo to study the one-week module „Risk Management and Corporate Governance“, professionally led by Prof. Dr. Nadine Gatzert. Although some of the 24 EMBA-students from all over the world could only join this course online, the majority of the group, all financial top managers of SIEMENS, was happy to come to sunny Nuremberg in order to study on-site from July 18th-22nd.
Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt, being responsible for this premium company EMBA-Program called „International Leadership and Finance MBA“, expresses his gratitude that the students made their way to study at WiSo in Nuremberg, coming from USA, Canada, India, Dubai, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, and Germany. Students from China, Russia and Brazil were joining the course online in an altogether very professional hybrid setting.
We wish all the EMBA-students a great summer and continued success in the program!