Three student teams present insights on the topic of cryptocurrency at DATEV eG

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We are pleased that the final presentations for the seminar „Strategic Innovationmanagement with Dr. Robert Mayr“ could take place in presence at DATEV Lab for the first time since two years. Three student teams developed innovative cryptocurrency scenarios: (1) Use cases of distributed ledger technology, (2) the green coin and (3) the handling of cryptocurrencies in established firms.

All participants emphasized the relevance of students’ visions in cryptocurrencies. Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt, Dr. Oscar Pakos and Lars Friedrich would like to thank Dr. Robert Mayr, Nicole Hess and Luisa Maierhöfer from DATEV eG for the excellent collaboration. Many thanks also to all students for their outstanding insights. We are looking forward to the winter semester and to work again on relevant topics with 12 new students.