Research Presented at the Behavioural Insights into Business for Social Good Conference

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From June 23-25, the Chair of Industrial Management attended the Behavioural Insights into Business for Social Good Conference (BIBSGC) in Vancouver, hosted by the Sauder School of Business (University of British Columbia). The aim of the conference is to create a cross-disciplinary dialogue about how insights from behavioral science research and business can be harnessed in a synergistic fashion to facilitate the greater social good. Improving the “social good” includes actions that benefit society and the individuals that live within it. The conference is unique in that it brings together diverse views of speakers both from Academia and the Business Community.

Lukas (on behalf of the entire author team: Johanna Palcu, Martin Schreier, Christian Baccarella, and Kai-Ingo Voigt) successfully presented our research “How Breaking Record Frames Motivate Sustainable Consumer Behavior: Evidence from two Randomized Field Experiments”. Besides a range of great paper sessions, the conference included research talks from several distinguished plenary speakers.

We thank the entire BIBSGC team for setting up an excellent conference in Vancouver!