Congratulations, Dr. Marc Rücker!

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Marc started his career as a research assistant at the Chair of Industrial Management in January 2018, exactly 1500 days later he submitted his doctoral thesis. During this time, he participated in numerous international conferences, published several highly ranked scientific papers and now successfully defended his PhD thesis.

Entitled “Innovative Work Environments of the Future – Understanding the Impact of Activity-based Workspaces on Employee Creativity“, his doctoral dissertation examines the impact of physical work environments on employee creativity. It also provides suggestions for how the work environment of the future can look like and what challenges companies will have to face.

Well done, Marc! Prof. Voigt and the entire Chair of Industrial Management cordially congratulate you for successfully finishing your doctoral dissertation and thank Prof. Dr. Karl Wilbers and Prof. Dr. Benedikt Morschheuser for their support and exciting discussions during the disputation.