On-site „Digital Innovation and Business Models“ module starts with keynote by Dr. Christian Mühlroth, CEO ITONICS

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Prof. Kai-Ingo Voigt and Dr. Christian Baccarella had the pleasure to kick-off the module “Digital Innovation and Business Models“ for the students of FAU’s Master of Digital Business Administration (MDBA). Twenty highly motivated students worked on and discussed about contemporary aspects in the context of digital innovation.

Next to the intensive sessions, the first weekend started with a real highlight: Dr. Christian Mühlroth, CEO of ITONICS, a software company that provides a data-driven innovation software platform, discussed with the students the possibilities that digital technologies offer to make the corporate innovation process more transparent and efficient.

Prof. Voigt and his team would like to thank Dr. Christian Mühlroth for his insights and the whole class for their great participation and commitment. It was a great start!t