Insights into the design and effects of activity-based workspaces published in “Environment and Behavior”

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We are happy and proud that our contribution “Understanding the Mechanisms of Activity-based Workspaces: A Case Study” has been accepted for publication in “Environment and Behavior (EAB)“. EAB is a flagship scholarly journal, publishing internationally leading research about the intersection between human behavior and environmental psychology (Impact Factor: 5.141 in 2021).

In this paper, the authors Dr. Tobias T. Eismann, Oscar Pakos, Marc Rücker, Dr. Martin Meinel, Lukas Maier, and Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt examined which design parameters companies can take into account when designing activity-based workspaces and how these changes affect employees. Activity-based workspaces are a powerful instrument for companies to promote the productivity and creativity of employees and thus increasing their innovative capacity. Based on qualitative data from 36 interviews with different employees of a company, the authors developed a taxonomy of activity-based workspaces and analyzed how various design parameters can influence the performance of employees. In particular, it shows how the introduction of activity-based workspaces changes the way people communicate, lead, work and perform at work. It further provides recommendations for future research and practice.

The article can be found here. Enjoy reading!