First ever „Digital Innovation and Business Models“ Module of the new Master of Digital Business Administration (MDBA) successfully kicked-off

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For the first time, Prof. Kai-Ingo Voigt together with Dr. Christian Baccarella, Lukas Maier, and Alina Hoffmann had the pleasure to digitally give the module „Digital Innovation and Business Models“. For three intensive weeks, 19 highly motivated students worked on and discussed about contemporary aspects of Digital Technology Management, Digital Innovation and Business Models. In particular, we talked and discussed about three key business model types in the digital world: (1) Digital Business Models, (2) Platform-based Business Models, and (3) Data-driven Business Models.

One of the highlights was the guest lecture of Khaleeq Aziz, CEO and founder of Symanto Research – a company that has successfully established a data-driven business model. Symanto´s mission has been from the beginning on to provide the deepest understanding of people through psychology and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Prof. Voigt and his team would like to thank Khaleeq for his fascinating insights and the whole class for their great participation and commitment. We wish all students all the best for the remaining MDBA modules!