Latest article on Design Thinking and its impact on Creativity published in European Management Journal
It is a pleasure to announce that our paper “Does applying design thinking result in better new product concepts than a traditional innovation approach? An experimental comparison study” has been accepted for publication in The European Management Journal (EMJ). EMJ is a flagship scholarly journal, publishing internationally leading research across all areas of management (VHB B-Ranking, Impact Factor 2,985). In this paper, the authors Dr. Martin Meinel, Dr. Tobias T. Eismann, Dr. Christian V. Baccarella, Prof. Dr. Sebastian K. Fixson (Babson College Boston), and Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt explore the performance implications of applying Design Thinking processes and tools in terms of new product concept creativity relative to applying a traditional innovation approach. Based on an experimental design and collecting quantitative data from 53 teams and their projects, we find that teams applying Design Thinking outperform the control group, in terms of feasibility, relevance and specificity of concepts, but not the novelty. We further discuss various implications both for theory and practice.
The article can be found here. Enjoy reading!