FAU Medal of Honour for Prof. Dr. PAN Yaling, University of International Business and Economics Beijing

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The Chair of Industrial Management is very proud to announce that our long-time colleague Prof. Dr. PAN Yaling from the University of International Business and Economics Beijing (UIBE) was awarded with the Medal of Honour of the Friedrich-Alexander-University. Directly after Bavaria’s Minister President Dr. Markus Söder welcomed the audience to the yearly Dies Academicus, Prof. Hornegger, President of FAU, handed the Medal of Honour to Prof. PAN, acknowledging her commitment for intensifying the relations between our two universities.

We are very happy that, after receiving the Medal of Honour, Prof. PAN found the time to also give an inspiring guest lecture on intercultural management and communication between Germany and China to a selected audience. She provided comprehensive insights into our cultural embeddedness and illustrated that intercultural cooperation is beneficial for all of us.

Prof. Voigt and his team once again express congratulations for receiving the Medal of Honour and greatest appreciation for being with us. We are looking forward to continuing our fruitful cooperation and to welcoming Prof. Dr. PAN Yaling again at FAU soon.