18 years 5-Euro-Business in Nuremberg: an overwhelming graduation ceremony
On February 05th 2019, the highlight of this year’s 5-Euro Business competition took place in the Marmorsaal of the Presseclub Nuremberg. FAU vice president, Prof. Kathrin Möslein, gave a motivating welcome address and emphasized the extensive activities of the FAU in research and teaching in the field of entrepreneurship. Prof. Voigt and Marc Rücker supervised and co-directed the competition. A total of ten teams presented their company and their product to an interested audience and a top-class jury by a short presentation and an exhibition stand. Prof. Voigt as member of the jury was allowed to hand over the winning certificates after an intensive consultation with the other members of the jury to the following teams:
1st place: i.u.V.-Cycle
2nd place: SkateArt
3rd place: OhmDunio
The entire Chair of Industrial Management congratulates the winning teams and all other participants on their outstanding achievements and wishes them all the best for the future!
Please find the newspaper article about the event HERE.